Serious Musicians who don't act too serious. Is this music with some comedy thrown in or comedy with some music in the mix. When The Barenaked Ladies put on a show it's always unpredictable.

Santa Maria, CA. 10-13-94
"The Strip" at the Santa Maria Hilton
FM radio broadcast from master tape
KOTR radio or K-Otter
Taped by "Arizona" Jones
Life In A Nutshell, My Boxed Set
These Apples, Stage banter
Blame It On Me, Jane
Madona Inn Toilet banter
Enid, Wynton Marsalis Rap
Wrong Man, Hello City
Alphabet Rap
Alternative Girlfriend
Breakfast Improv
Crazy, Great Provider
Band intros
Unknown rap, A
If I Had A Million Dollars
K Otter improv, and rap
More Stage banter
Brian Wilson
What A Good Boy
I saw them play that day on my lunch hour in a record store in San Luis Obispo. I couldn't make it to the show that night but it was broadcast live. I was probaly the only fan of theirs on the Cental Coast that was not at the show. So this is a pretty rare recording. The venue is a Hilton Hotel at the air strip in Santa Maria, CA
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